On this page we present and explain the results of the identifications we have performed for members of the tarantula community, for customs, for natural history museums and other inquirers.
Here we report on the identification of the drowned body that Karin found in her watering can.
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Avicularia hirschii" was actually an Avicularia lynnae
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Avicularia sp. Pakuri" was actually an Avicularia avicularia Morph 6 "Pakuri"
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Ceratogyrus brachycephalus" was actually an Ceratogyrus sanderi
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Haplopelma aureopilosum" was actually an Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
Here we explain why the spider which was imported as Haplopelma comming from Manymar was actually a Haplopelma minax
Here we explain why the spider which was imported as Haplopelma sp. comming from Thailand was actually an undescribed Haplopelma sp.
Here we explain why the spider which was imported as Ornithoctoninae sp. comming from the Tak Province in Thailand was actually an undescribed Ornithoctonus sp.
Here we explain why we are of the Opinion that the Spiders from Christian Hirsch, named as Psalmopoeus sp. "Black Orchid", is probably a dark form of Psalmopoeus reduncus.
Here we explain why the spider from Samuel Spreuwers, named as "Tapinauchenius sp. Ecuador", is actually indeed an Amazonius burgessi.
Here we explain why the spider from Michael Heylen & Oly Lenskens, named as Aphonopelma mooreae, is actually indeed an Aphonopelma mooreae.
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Aphonopelma sp. Malinche" was actually a Aphonopelma cf anitahoffmannae
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Aphonopelma sp. Michoacan Morph 1" should better be called Aphonopelma sp. Michoacan
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Bonnetina papalutlensis" was actually a Bonnetina tanzeri
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Brachypelma" was actually a Lasiodora parahybana
Here we explain why the male Spider from Oly Lenskens received as Davus sp. "Oaxaca" is probably a Davus cf pentaloris
Here we explain why the spider Fernando Rivas sent to us is a Euathlus truculentus
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Grammostola anthracina" was actually a Grammostola cf. anthracina
Here we explain why the Colombian Hapalopus species known in the tarantula community as Hapalopus sp. "Guerrila" actually belongs to Hapalopus guerreroi.
Here we explain why the adult male from Oly Lenskens, named as Hapalotremus sp. is probably a Hapalotremus aff. major and has nothing to do with Thrixopelma!
Here we explain why the spider referred to as Neischnocolus sp. "Chica" is actually a Neischnocolus panamanus
Here we explain why the tarantula known in the tarantula community as “Pseudhapalopus sp. ‘Colombia/Yellow-Blue’ actually belongs to the genus Spinosatibiapalpus as a scientifically undescribed species!
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Pterinochilus murinus" was actually an Euathlus sp.
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Theraphosinae sp. Cusco" was actually an Thrixopelma sp. "Cusco"
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Theraphosinae sp. Panama" is actually a Davus sp. "Panama"
Here we explain why the spider referred to as "Theraphosinae sp. Piura" is actually a Thrixopelma pruriens
In this article we explain why the pet store bought "Tliltocatl vagans" should better be called Tliltocatl cf vagans.
Here we explain why the spider Kim Woehler received without a name is a Phormictopus atrichomatus
Here we explain why the spider from Samuel Spreuwers named as Grammostola sp. is actually an Euathlus sp.