
"Brachypelma" = Lasiodora parahybana Mello-Leitão, 1917

Recently we received another call for help with identification. Martin Heinen had received a tarantula 6 months ago, which was purchased as a nymph from the previous owner in 2016 at the fair in Dortmund and whose terrarium was labeled "Brachypelma". The first pictures raised considerable doubts about this genus designation. Thus, the actual Exuvia of the animal was sent to us for identification (Pic 1). Our initial suspicion that it is more likely a representative of the genera Grammostola or Lasiodora was now confirmed by the examination of the Exuvia. The animal shows a distinct stridulation organ on the coxae of the palpi retrolaterally (= rl) (Pic 2) and the coxae of leg I prolaterally (= pl) (green circle, Pic 3) as it is typical for both mentioned genera. In addition, femur IV (rl) shows a distinct field of feathered hairs called "scopula" (white circle, Pic 4). The spermatheca shows a broad base with two short receptacula seminis which widen apically rather like a vesicle (Pic 5). Especially the two last mentioned features speak for a Lasiodora, because in Grammostola there is no cluster of feathered hairs on the femur IV rl and the receptacula seminis are rather long and apically not so vesicle like and are on a hardly present spermathecal base.


Most likely this is the species commonly known in the community as Lasiodora parahybana. However, this animal has nothing to do with Brachypelma!

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