
The Theraphosid Research Team on Lecture Tour!

This time Volker von Wirth was invited to speak at the lecture event "Spiders and Citizen Science" at the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt a. M. (Germany). This is a meeting of so-called "citizen scientists" and academic scientists in the field of arachnology, Organised by Dr. Peter Jaeger (Pic 1), the curator of the Arachnology Section of this museum for the purpose of exchanging information and opinions In front of a large audience (Pic 2), filled with excellent lectures, cosy get-togethers with delicious food (Pic 11) and many conversations about our 8-legged study objects! In this context, we also remembered our recently deceased friend and great arachnologist André "Dede" Leetz (Pic 10).

The following lectures were held:

Dr. TIM LÜDDECKE: Gifte bei Spinnentieren. (Toxins in arachnids) - Pic 5 & 6

ANJA MELCHERS: Du bist, was du isst: Nahrungsanalysen von Spinnen und ihre Bedeutung für

die Biodiversitätsforschung. (You are what you eat: Food analyses of spiders and their significance for biodiversity research) - Pic 7 & 8

VOLKER VON WIRTH: Die Vogelspinnengattung Sericopelma: neue Erkenntnisse aus dem Dschungel und dem Labor. (The tarantula genus Sericopelma: new insights from the jungle and the laboratory) - Pic 3 & 4

Dr. PETER JÄGER: „Love“- Bites bei Spinnen – Häufiger als angenommen. ("Love" - bites in spiders - more common than assumed) - Pic 1 & 9

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